アメリカの退役軍人でライターのNoctis Draven氏が「X」に投稿した文。
そして、ブログ主がこの文章で考えたのは、ポリコレに汚染された西欧諸国... 別の言い方をしたら、西欧諸国をポリコレで汚染した勢力から見たら、日本もこの様に見えているのではないか?という事です。
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#ukraine #russia #Zelensky #putin #nato #BRICS #china #india #africa #Trump #biden #IsraeliCrimes #Palestine #イスラエル #パレスチナ #ガザゲノサイド #gaza #tuckercarlson #W3 #イラン
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Noctis Draven
Combat veteran, writer, historical researcher, anti-war advocate and host of The Grey. Nothing is black & white, the truth is usually in The Grey.
Many, MANY times I have said over the years that Russia is the last land in the world that stands in between the west and complete domination, but what does that mean? Do I say this because I hate one side over the other? No, I say it because it is good vs evil. Now, before those of you in the west throw yourselves into a fit, understand I am referring to mostly the governments and those who contribute to the evil, not ALL western rank and file people are evil of course and most who do contribute to the evil genuinely believe they are fighting the good fight.
But the fact remains, if Russia falls or fails, the world is finished. If you look at the values of the west, of the USA, UK, Germany, Sweden, Australia, Canada, etc, you will notice a growing theme. These are countries that increasingly give up their identity, places where migrants are flooding, where culture is dissolved and history is erased. The populations replaced, killed, raped, and ultimately to be forgotten. This World Economic Forum and globalists agenda seeks to make the world borderless, without culture or identity, a mass mob of people with no loyalties to their land or heritage and more easily controlled. To be nothing more than a pride-less, consumer class of cattle that will never be inspired to NOT follow orders.
The west also shares a common hatred for tradition, family, children and traditional values. They want single parent homes, or even better no parents. They want no children, to promote climate fear mongering and to prop up and worship LGBTQ ideology. A world of, "If it feels good do it," ideology without regard to morality or limits whatsoever. Every nation that, "joins," the west ultimately becomes these things. Walk through Paris, or Sweden or any European country that has bent the knee to the globalists.
You will not find the French in Paris, you will not find the English in England, you will not find Germans in Germany and so on. The demographic unrecognizable, the culture destroyed, infact the only ideology they all seem to agree on is LGBTQ.
Russia has not fallen to this, Russia is the complete opposite and a threat to the west. Not because Russia wants to conquer or change the west, not because Russia seeks war but simply because Russia exists and is strong. Russia is strong and they cannot force Russia to submit to these ways, so the very existence of a power that will not submit is offensive and frightening to the west. So they have always and continue to poke, instigate and push provocation to destroy Russia.
Worse still, Russia is resisting the west and inspiring others to do the same, showing by example that the west can be defeated and that there is another way, a multipolar way. A way in which the world can trade, do busniess and exists without bending the knee or succumbing to the satanic ideology of the western globalists. This cannot be tolerated by the west, so they seek to destroy Russia. Of course the axis of resistance is together, Russia, Iran, China and some others but there is a reason the tensions with Russia are so high. The west knows that while others resist, if Russia falls and is made an example of, the others will come to heel.
Just like one doesn't have to be an architect to understand the importance of a support pillar,
You also don't need to know much about Russia to understand or appreciate this, you don't need to have traveled or been an expert on Russia to see the patterns and understand why,
We must NEVER allow Russia to fall, it represents not only Russia but the very last bastion of freedom in the world. There is no where else for free people to escape, nowhere to run. We stand with Russia or we all prepare to live on our knees infront of the woke, globalist world order that is dangerously close to taking it all.
#ukraine #russia #Zelensky #putin #nato #BRICS #china #india #africa #Trump #biden #IsraeliCrimes #Palestine #Israel #Palestina #Gazagenocide #gaza #tuckercarlson #WW3 #Iran
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投稿: ブログ管理者 | 2024/07/22 11:35
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投稿: | 2024/07/21 02:34