公開:2020-09-30 08:43:36 最終更新:2020/09/30 9:42(加筆)
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Dear 相手の名前
I am Japanese.
I am very disappointed to hear that a so-called "comfort woman" statue was recently erected in Berlin. I'm sure that the purposes of the Korean association and civil groups which built the statue are,
1. anti-Japan propaganda,
2. to break the relationship between Japan and South Korea, and
3. to hurt a friendship between German and Japanese.
I'm afraid that your approval for installation of the statue means cooperation with the association and the groups.
In the first place, the comfort-women issue was a matter of wages which remained unpaid after WW2, and the term "comfort women" refers to women who worked as prostitutes at brothels for the Japanese military (for Japanese, Korean and Taiwanese soldiers), in battle zones during WW2. The majority of comfort women were Japanese.
"A ‘comfort girl’ is nothing more than a prostitute or ‘professional camp follower;” this description of the comfort women in Report No. 49 of 1 October 1944, issued by the US Office of War Information, is remarkably accurate.
Although South Korean Government and anti-Japan activists claim that Korean women were abducted by Japanese soldiers, they were in fact sold by parents, were deceived by brokers or became prostitutes voluntarily. The most important thing is there are no eye witnesses of abductions. The first self-proclaimed ex-comfort woman who appeared in public on 14 August 1991 said that she was sold for 40 yen by her mother. Comfort women came from very poor families and were recruited by private sex brokers.
They were extremely well paid, earning approximately 50 times the salary of an ordinary soldier, and they could take days off. A comfort woman, named Moon Ok-ju, wrote a romantic memory with a Japanese soldier in her book. They could return home after clear their debt. Therefore, they were NOT sex slaves.
After the end of WW2, Japan and ROK negotiated over the settlement of problems in regard to property and claims, for example, unpaid wages of laborers, pensions of veterans and civilian employees, etc., based on treaty of San Francisco, but the issue of wages of prostitutes was not raised for the discussion.
Although Japan offered ROK Government to pay claims each by each, ROK government requested lump-sum payment. After that, the compensation became a domestic probleme of ROK.
Ex-comfort women had been living hard lives, because of their former job. So, Japanese Government decided to pay them settlement money, and most former comfort women received the money. But the problem was a comfort women supporting organization and some ex-comfort women. (The details will be explained afterward.)
As I mentioned above, comfort women were war-time prostitutes and were as same as ones for German military. The difference between Japanese and German systems was recruit and operators of brothels. Japanese brothels were operated by private superintendents, but German brothels were perfectly under control of military. German and Japanese militaries installed brothels in order to prevent rapes and sexually transmitted diseases, and gave regularly a medical examination to comfort women. (For details, please see "Prostitution, Homosexualität, Selbstverstümmelung-Probleme der deutschen Sanitätsführung" 1939-1945. Franz Seidler, Kurt Vowinckel Verlag, 1977)
According to "Zwangsprostitution: Staatlich errichtete Bordelle im Nationalsozialismus" (Christa Paul, 1944/11/1), Nazi provided prostitutes even to 9 concentration camps including Auschwitz for Jewish prisoners. It was orderd by Heinrich Himmler around 1942.
上述のように、慰安婦はドイツの戦時売春婦同様、売春婦でした。日本とドイツのシステムの違いは、日本は民間の業者に慰安婦の募集と売春宿の運営を委託したのに対し、ドイツは完全に政府の管理下に置いたことです。日独両国がそれぞれ売春宿を設置したのは、兵士による強姦や性病を防ぐためでした。慰安婦には定期的に診察がなされました。(ドイツの慰安所に関しては、"Prostitution, Homosexualität, Selbstverstümmelung-Probleme der deutschen Sanitätsführung" 1939-1945. Franz Seidler (Kurt Vowinckel Verlag, 1977)という論文があるので、参照して下さい。/「売春、同性愛、自己毀損 - ドイツ衛生指導の諸問題1939-45」、フランツ・ザイトラー、Kurt Vowinckel出版、1977年)
What then, was the differece between the Japanese comfort women and German comfort women?
The reason why only Japan is being criticized has to do with the propaganda campaign based on the false claim that Japansese army forced more than 200,000 women into sex slavery and most of them were killed. It's an absurd and impossible story. But most Koreans believe the story through brainwash-like education.
The claims of "Japanese military's atrocities" are based solely on the oral testimonies of some self-proclaimed ex-comfort women. Their testimonies lack the specific details as to the time, locations, individuals involved, and the evidence has never been verified.
Nevertheless, a Korean comfort women supporting organization funded by ROK Government repeats a false claim. It's because of money. In May, one of the former comfort women named Lee Yong-soo said at a press conference, “I have been exploited by Yun Mi-hyang”, who used to be a leader of a comfort women supporting organization funded by ROK government and its citizens. She is now a politician.
それにも関わらず、韓国政府に資金提供されている慰安婦支援団体は誤った主張を繰り返します。それはお金が理由です。5月に李容洙(イ・ヨンス)という一人の元慰安婦が記者会見で次のように言いました。「私は尹美香(ユン・ミヒャン)に食い物にされた。」 彼女は慰安婦支援団体の元理事長で、その団体は政府と市民によって資金提供されています。彼女は今政治家です。
According to Lee, Yun Mi-hyang collected a huge amount of donations for 30 years but the donations were hardly used for former comfort women but used to purchase several real estate properties for her own use.Yun was recently indicted without arrest.
She also said that comfort women were not sex-slaves.
cf. article: 'Comfort woman' survivor says she won't be used anymore (Korea JoonAng Daily, 14 May 2020)
(ブログ記事『【慰安婦問題】元慰安婦「性奴隷と言うな!」←これは使える 国連にメールしよう!』)
The members of this organization is also anti-America activists. They sometimes use ex-comfort women like 'a bear at circus'. They protested against the deployment of THAAD missile in South Korea.
This organization violates Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations. They erected a comfort-woman statue in front of Japanese Embassy in Seoul. But Korean Government condones such rudeness.
Please keep in mind that there are Korean organization and groups which oppose comfort-woman statues. They hold every Wednesday a gathering near the statue.
In 2015, the Governments of Japan and ROK signed an agreement about comfort-woman issue and confirmed that the issue is resolved finally and irreversibly. Japanese Government donated one billion yen for a foundation for women's right. Therefore, Korean Government violates also this agreement with the statue in Berlin. President Moon Jae-in unilaterally dismissed the foundation and broke the agreement.
We, Japanese are angry at Koreans' rudeness. As I wrote at the beginning, if Berlin City supports the organizations which built the statue, it will hurt German and Japanese friendship.
Please withdraw the approval for the statue and remove it.
Sincerely Yours
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A gift from The Korean Council for Justice and Remembrance for the Issue of Military Sexual Slavery by Japan, established by AG “Comfort Women” of Korea Verband in the Alliance for the Statue of Peace.
平和の像の同盟として、日本軍性奴隷制問題解決のための正義記憶連帯より寄贈、韓国協議会「慰安婦」グルーブ による建立
◆なでしこアクション→独シュレーダー首相に対する手紙(独語):EIN ÖFFENTLICHER BRIEF an Herrn Gerhard Schröder von Japanischen Frauen
Die "Friedenstatue" ist eigentlich die Statue der Verwünschung, ein Symbol des Hasses gegen Japan und des Rassismus.
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