【書籍】『決定版 慰安婦の真実-戦場ジャーナリストが見抜いた中韓の大嘘』(マイケル・ヨン著)【慰安婦問題】
公開: 2018/12/18 15:09 最終更新: 2018/12/18 16:57
By Jason Morgan| March 24, 2018 10:50 AM (UTC+8)
How Beijing weaponizes 'comfort women' as propaganda tool'Comfort women' are not just a relic of Japan's aggressive imperial history. They are today a key tool in Beijing’s disinformation strategy to isolate Japan and the USA in East Asia
The “comfort women” issue appears, on the surface, to be a bilateral problem between South Korea and Japan. In reality, it is deeper. The key player is increasingly not South Korea, but China, and the ultimate target is not Japan, but the United States, as the comfort women are co-opted by Beijing in its anti-American information war.
なぜ、この記事を取り上げたかというと、今回ご紹介する『決定版・慰安婦の真実――戦場ジャーナリストが見抜いた中韓の大嘘 単行本』(ソフトカバー – 2018/11/2 Michel Yon著)で著者のマイケル・ヨン氏も同様の見方(日米、そして韓の分断)をしているからです。
本書は3章からなりますが、主に「第1章 慰安婦問題」と「第2章 第二次世界大戦」で半々ぐらい、最後の第3章は非常に短いのですが、バチカン(ローマ法王)の中国接近や旭日旗問題にも触れています。
慰安婦について、ブログ主の覚え書きとして本に紹介されていた2つの記事、CNNとFox newsの記事のURLをメモしておきます。
CNN: Don't let North Korea exploit 'comfort women' issue (北朝鮮に慰安婦を利用させるな)
By Norm Coleman
Updated 2342 GMT (0742 HKT) March 31, 2016Fox: Japan vs US: No, Japan is not 'killing' us, we're killing Japan, our staunchest Asian ally (日本対アメリカ 日本は我々を殺していない 我々が日本を殺している 信頼に足るアジアの盟友)
By James K. Glassman
Published May 10, 2016
The 'forgotten' My Lai: South Korea's Vietnam War massacres (「忘れられた」私のライ:韓国のベトナム戦争虐殺)
By James Griffiths, CNN
Updated 0155 GMT (0955 HKT) February 24, 2018(一部引用)
Seeking apology
According to Ku, "calls for the recognition of the truth about the massacre of South Vietnamese civilians" have been growing in the past two decades.
Sensitivity over how and how much to apologize for South Korea's role in Vietnam is particularly poignant given the country's own experience under Japanese occupation and ongoing disputes over so-called "comfort women" forcibly enlisted by Japan for its troops in World War II, accounts of which Japan strongly disputes.
Many of those active in pushing for a full reckoning with the Vietnam War legacy are also campaigners for the "comfort women," including artists Kim Seo-kyung and Kim Eun-sung, who designed an iconic statue of a "comfort woman," versions of which have been erected in protest outside several Japanese consulates in South Korea.
Last year, the Kims unveiled a statue memorializing the victims of the Vietnam War on the South Korean island of Jeju, sponsored by the Korean-Vietnamese Peace Foundation.【訳】ベトナム戦争の遺物を完全に精算するために積極的に活動している人々の多くは同時に、「慰安婦」キャンペーンを行っていて、その中には、「慰安婦」を象徴する像をデザインしたキム・ソンギョン(Kim Seo-kyung)とキム・ウンソン(Kim Eun-sung) がいる。
そのスポンサーは韓国 - ベトナム平和財団である。
Ku said the statue, called the "Vietnam Pieta" and modeled on the traditional depiction of the Virgin Mary cradling post-crucifixion Jesus, was "intended as an apology for the Vietnam War."
Kim Seo-kyung said she and her husband were inspired by seeing Japanese people coming to rallies to apologize for that country's treatment of Korea during World War II, and designed the statue "to apologize in our way" for the Vietnam War.
She said the plan had been to unveil statues in Vietnam and South Korea at the same time, but this fell through.
In April, the two-day People's Tribunal on War Crimes by South Korean Troops During the Vietnam War will open in Seoul, focusing on the Phong Nhi and Phong Nhat massacres, and the killings in Ha My. Organizers said they plan to use the material gathered in the unofficial hearing to help bring a damages lawsuit against the South Korean government later in the year.
The tribunal will also be used to pressure President Moon, who disappointed campaigners by failing to go further than previous leaders in a November trip to Vietnam, saying only that South Korea "has a debt of heart" to the country. The South Korean government did not respond to a request for comment for this article.
"We think it is time to hold the Korean government officially accountable and accept our (country's) responsibility during the Vietnam War," said Boram Jang, a lawyer and one of the tribunal's organizers.
She said given South Korea's continued lobbying of Japan over "comfort women" and other World War II abuses, "we should also officially apologize to victims of the Vietnam War."
"Our principle for this tribunal is not to judge or punish those Korean soldiers who participated, we want to hear their stories, not just condemn," she said. "Maybe those veterans could be victims too."
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